We currently ship to thousands of locations across India and the world.
Delivery in India
In India, we normally ship orders in 5 days. If your order is highly customized, shipping might take up to 7 days. Your order will reach you through courier / Speed post as per their normal delivery period depending on the delivery address.
International Delivery
Shipments outside India are sent through speed post (minimum delivery time of 7-10 days) or registered post (minimum delivery time of 20 days). Some international destinations may require more time for the consignment to be delivered, depending on the accessibility of the location. Please note that the delivery timings will also be bound by the custom policies and regulations of your region.
Shipping Address
In order to provide good service and timely and efficient deliveries, please give us your correct pin-code in the shipping address of the Registration Form. Also, it is very important for us to have your contact number, so please give us your correct phone number while registering.
The Billing Address must match the credit card details, in case you choose credit card as your payment option. If you want to change the shipping address you have specified on placing the order, you can send us a message at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. clearly mentioning your order number and we will accommodate the change if the goods have not been dispatched from our end.
Damages during Transit
Though we provide our prescription in non breakable, leakage proof containers, we will not be held responsible / liable for any damage / leakage during shipping and / or delivery of the prescription to the patient if any.
Astha Clinic and its Doctors are certified Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Practitioners and Physicians. We charge fee for Medical Advice. We are not manufacturers, sellers or traders of the medicines which are supplied to our registered patients by our concern.
Our Doctors recommend treatment based on their knowledge and experience gained in their respective stream. The treatment is advised based on the symptoms of diseases suffered by the patient and are custom made for every individual patient. Our medicines are provided to end consumers and are not meant to resale.
The User can accept and agree to the Terms of Service by clicking on 'I accept'. However, if you place an online order, it will be assumed as your acceptance to our Terms and Condition, Refund & Cancellation policy, Privacy Policy and Delivery & Shipping Policy