Homeopathy is a woman’s best friend
Women face unique health challenges. Their bodies are regulated by rhythmical monthly cycles, which occur with computerised regularity — naturally. It’s, however, not uncommon for subtle deviations of hormones, stress, environmental and dietary factors to upset this rhythmical balance. It’s here that natural homeopathic remedies help restore balance, safely and gently.
Homeopathy understands women’s health issues with a women’s perspective — not because it’s mind/body medicine, but because it understands their delicate emotions as gently. Women, perhaps, have a far better emotional quotient than men, though most men wouldn’t agree with it. Homeopathy identifies this element too and incorporates its use in selecting the right medicine for a given illness.
Homeopathy also aims to treat women’s complaints not just in terms of hormones, but by way of a holistic approach that sets right the body’s imbalances from the inside-out. Homeopathic medicines don’t suppress illnesses, or disorders; they also don’t curb emotional issues, but address them for long-term, effective results.
For instance, painful menstruation is a common complaint in women. This includes a dull pain in the lower back, along with abdominal cramps. Homeopathy looks into the possible emotional causes of painful periods, aside from probable “offenders” like pelvic infections, endometriosis (formation of cysts), fibroids, intrauterine devices, or discontinuation of the contraceptive pill.
Homeopathy has more than a handful of medicines for painful periods. It takes into consideration not just the disorder, but also the characteristic presentation of symptoms in each woman — no two women present the same unique symptoms of an ailment, except its name. They are given two different remedies that suit their temperament and individuality. This is, of course, best done in an office consultation with a professional homeopathic physician.
Belladonna, for example, is useful for painful periods, accompanied by headache, or migraine, and extreme fatigue. Chamomilla is effective in menstrual pain presenting with a bad temper, or annoyance. Cimicifuga Racemosa is useful in shooting, cramping pains running across the pelvis and into the thighs. It is most useful in women who have mood swings — from happiness to gloom. Pulsatilla is a handy remedy in painful periods, accompanied by abdominal cramps, irritability, crying spells, and indifference for normal day-to-day activities.