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- Written by Dr Ranu Gupta
Everyone is health conscious now. Obese are trying to loose weight and slims want to maintain their fitness at any cost. Here at any cost are the words that represent artificial sweeteners. Diabetes and artificial sweeteners are very much co related with each other. People use these products regularly without any awareness. So here I want to draw your attention about these products and their side effects.
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- Written by Dr Rajesh Khandelwal
As all of us know that leucoderma / vitiligo is commonly known as white spots. By its name we can easily understand its meaning. Have you ever tried to know the reason why it happens?
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- Written by Dr Ranu Gupta
Hi friends,
Cases of uterine fibroids are increasing rapidly in India. It’s a matter of worry. So friends here I am giving you some knowledge about uterine fibroids, its causes and how a woman could keep herself safe.
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- Written by Dr Rajesh Khandelwal
Hi friends,
Beautiful hair is the identity of every man and woman. Every one wants to have beautiful and healthy hair. But, what if hair is damaged and dull? Today, most of the youth is suffering from hair problems, like hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, allopecia etc. Don't you think to prevent your beautiful hair from getting damaged and dry, you need to take care of your hair?
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- Written by Dr Ranu Gupta
Are you in your 40s? Then lets have a glance on Menopause, Perimenopause and it's management !