This is a Condition in which Men are able to have Sex but don't want to do Sex called Loss of libido or Low Sex Desire. Men with low sex drive can achieve erections but have very less desire for sex. Loss of libido or lack of sex desire is the most common sexual dysfunction. This sexual dysfunction can spoil intimacy and relationship between partners.



There are two types of causes of loss of libido in men 'Physical' and 'Psychological'.


 Physical causes 

  • Not enough sleep
  • Working for long hours.
  • Excessive Masturbation in Men.
  • Drug abuse like cocaine, heroin, marijuana and alcoholism.
  • Prostate problems, hypertension and depression.
  • Low level of testosterone hormones.
  • Major diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Parkinson's disease, Endocrine or neurological disorders, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis etc.


Psychological causes 

  • Stress.
  • Conflicts in the relationship.
  • Sick behaviour with spouse.
  • Sexual conflict or confusion.
  • Anger, Depression and family worries


Other causes

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Over sexual activities decrease in quantity of semen.
  • Eating spicy, junk and hot food increase 'pitta' which destroys semen and this leads to loss of Libido or low sex desire.
  • By controlling sexual urges for longer duration leads to obstruction of semen and this leads to low libido.
  • If medicines for Libido  are not consumed by such persons regularly, it may lead to impotence.



loss of libido (Low sex desire) is a curable disease. It can be treated in one or two months with certain special Homeopathic & Ayurvedic medicines. At our clinic we  listen the patients problems very carefully and find out the cause of libido. According to the cause we select the medicines which improves the lost sexual desire, his immune system . Our medicines also improves the quality of semen. Time period of the treatment depends on the patient's condition and  problems. Pateint can order the medicines online through net banking or debit card.